How To Repair Leather Sofa That Is Peeling [2023]

How To Repair Leather Sofa That Is Peeling [2023]

Repairing a leather sofa that is peeling can be challenging, but it's possible to improve its appearance. Keep in mind that complete restoration may not be achievable, and results can vary. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you address peeling leather:

Materials You'll Need:

  • Leather repair kit (available at most hardware stores or online)
  • Clean, lint-free cloth
  • Leather conditioner
  • Mild leather cleaner
  • Sandpaper (fine-grit)
  • Masking tape

How to repair leather sofa that is peeling

Step 1: Clean the Sofa:

Begin by thoroughly cleaning the peeling area of the leather sofa using a mild leather cleaner. Wipe the area with a clean, lint-free cloth to remove any dirt, dust, and residue.

Step 2: Sand the Peeling Area:

Use fine-grit sandpaper to lightly sand the peeling edges of the leather. This helps smooth out rough edges and create a better surface for the repair.

Step 3: Apply the Leather Repair Kit:

Follow the instructions on the leather repair kit. Typically, these kits include a filler compound that you'll apply to the damaged area. Ensure that you use the kit's contents as directed to achieve the best results.

Step 4: Match the Color:

If the repair kit includes color-matching options, mix the colors to match your sofa's shade as closely as possible. Test the color on a hidden area or inconspicuous spot of the sofa to ensure it matches well.

Step 5: Fill and Smooth:

Carefully apply the filler compound to the peeling or damaged area. Use a small spatula or the tools provided in the repair kit to spread the compound evenly and smoothly. Follow the kit's instructions for drying times.

Step 6: Sand and Blend:

Once the filler compound is dry, use fine-grit sandpaper again to gently smooth the repaired area, blending it with the surrounding leather. Be cautious not to over-sand and damage the repaired section.

Step 7: Condition the Leather:

Apply a leather conditioner to the entire sofa to moisturize and protect the leather. This helps maintain the appearance of the repaired area and prevents further peeling.

Step 8: Protect and Prevent:

To prevent future peeling, avoid exposing the leather sofa to direct sunlight, extreme temperatures, or excess moisture. Use leather protection products to maintain the sofa's longevity.

Step 9: Consult a Professional (if needed):

If the peeling is extensive or if the DIY repair doesn't yield satisfactory results, consider consulting a professional leather repair service. They may have advanced techniques to restore your sofa.


Remember that while these steps can help improve the appearance of a peeling leather sofa, they may not make it look brand new. The success of the repair depends on the extent of the damage and the quality of the repair kit used.

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